Solar Energy
Some big picture numbers...
- Power output of the sun: ≈ 3.6 × 1026 Watts [1]
- Proportion of solar energy falling on earth: 1 / (2.21 × 109) [2]
- Solar energy falling on earth: 1.6 × 1017 Watts
- Earth surface area: 5.1 × 1014 m2
- Average energy per unit surface area: 313 Watts / m2
- A proportion of that energy is reflected or absorbed into the atmosphere before it reaches ground level (Earth overall albedo is about 30% [3]).
- Also not sure how much of that energy is realistically useable, e.g. what the spread of energy is over the EM spectrum and how that fits with our ability to use the energy (e.g. what is the EM utilisation profile of solar techs?)
- 2008 world energy consumption rate: 15 terawatts (1.504 × 1013 Watts) [4], so about 1/10000th the solar energy hitting the earth.
[1]^26+watts&lk=1[2] Surface area of sphere with radius 1AU ≈ 2.81 × 1023 m2
Earth cross section area ≈ 1.27 × 1014 m2
Earth cross section as proportion of 1AU sphere ≈ 1 / (2.21 × 109)